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My June 1 Update

Well, I'm back again for my second blog ever. I figured it's been a while since I checked in and I'm sure all 4 or 5 of you are anxious for an update. A lot has happened since my last blog, so I'll start with probably the biggest news first. Ball Brewing has officially taken possession of our location!  I know I'm excited to get started on the build-out inside. We have a lot of work to do. It's really almost just an empty shell at the moment, but I've been spending a lot of time bouncing ideas off of friends and family (and stealing other people's ideas that are better than mine). I think in the end everyone will really like what it turns out to be. I'm going to try and figure out how to post photo updates on the site so you can all follow along with the progress. 

A lot of work has been going on in the background lately. Transferring utilities, insurance, phones, finishing my business plan, basically all of the things I despise doing but have to do now that I'm in charge of this whole venture... On Saturday a friend helped me disassemble a cold storage room and move it into the new location. So we are definitely moving in the right direction. We might not be able to serve beer for months yet, but at least we have the ability to keep it cold. 

I received my first phone call on the business phone the other day which was a bit of a surprise because I'd only been assigned the number about 14 hours prior. But I was elated to take the call and already attempt to help one of the local homebrewers in the valley. (if you're reading this we will get you sorted out as soon as possible). And this actually reminds me why I wanted to write today's blog in the first place.

Since I've started working on my new adventure here I've had the opportunity of dealing with and meeting a lot of people. A LOT. And I really have to say, everyone, I've been dealing with has just been so nice and helpful and supportive. It's really been a very enjoyable experience for me. It gives me a lot of motivation, and I'm really excited to do my best to return the kindness and helpfulness that has been extended to me. I take great pride in providing the best customer service possible, and I will be instilling that principle in all of the employees that come to work for Ball Brewing. I know when I go to different places my number one reason for going back is customer service and I want to make sure that the brewery is a place where people go because they feel welcomed and cared about.  

In other news, I have some friends hard at work developing some of the clothing items we will be offering and I think everyone is going to like them. I wanted to make sure that the items we carry are nice. not expensive, just nice. I'm trying to get items made that people will use or want to wear in public, not just a Hanes t-shirt with a logo. and if anyone is reading this and has suggestions please feel free to call or email me. 

I suppose that's all for now. I'll plan to update again soon with more news. In the meantime thanks for checking back in. Go enjoy a good beer.
